Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Or has anyone else blown it out the back so bad for so long and your ass stings so bad you actually ...consider ...

DESITIN. Butt Paste. Whatever.

Oh my yammers I'm on fire ...I had better not do it ...because the second I put the little Bazooka down to run someone will inevitably smell it on me and ask "Does she have diaper rash? Poor thing."

Yah poor thing is right ...POOR MOCHA FREAK.


HouseMama said...

One word Aquaphor. No odor, clear, Vaseline-like consistency. Hope your tushy is better soon.

Unknown said...

Hahaha. I was going to say the same thing as the previous person's post...just use some Vaseline. Of course you'll end up with a grease stain on the ass of your pants which could be equally embarrassing. :)