Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If only I could ...I SO WOULD!

Dr. Teats has been in Texas for two days (monthly visit) ... the pistol is driving me neeners, and baby bazooka somehow found the ONE non-shatterproof ornament on the tree's one of THOSE days ... the ones where you could just zoom off to Starbucks. ... just real quick like ... they'll be fine ... and I'll have 10 minutes BY - MY - SELF. But beside the ole child neglect law ...I'd be the one who's car just stalled at the drive thru window - for no good reason ... and would have to call my mother in law and tell her I left the kids at the house please go save them. haha.

Don't worry though...she wouldn't judge me ..she left Dr. Teats when he was 3 months old ...sleeping in his crib ... in a house in the country and headed off to "town" (30 minutes away) - had to call HER mother in law when she realized she'd left him. haha. CAN'T SAY I BLAME HER - HE'S A REAL PAIN IN THE ASS SOMETIMES.

Anyway ... don't worry ...I won't DOOOOOOOOOO IT ...I'M JUST THINKING REALLY HARD ABOUT IT ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Believe me, I consider doing that almost daily! If it makes you feel any better, my son was rolling away in a cart in the Target parking lot recently and I had no clue. And I'm not talking he made it a few feet away from the car before I noticed, he was quite a distance away and all I could think about for the next hour was how many cars he very easily could have been hit by. I wasn't even on a coffee break or talking on my phone, just afflicted with permanent mommy brain and didn't notice. Lovely.