Saturday, October 4, 2008

I need a drink ...(and I'm not talking about a triple grande extra whip mocha ...THIS time.)

Today was less than exciting ... it was the usual 3 year old train party where I got "train sick" on the third round of the train ride, but ya know, ANYTHING for the kids ...(cute party and all, I'm just sayin' ...), a Piggies and Paws home party next door, (you all know exactly what I'm talkin' about too - she came to the Uppercase Living party I hosted at my house, so I for SURE have to return the respect of going to the party she's hosting at hers ... cute party and all, I'm just sayin') ... and FINALLY, not a MOMENT TOO SOON Dr. Teats blew in from South Dakota in his camo hoodie (see Bird on Point post) ...

So, here is what I don't get about that - I understand wearing camo WHILE you're hunting, or if you're in your military gear I totally respect that of course - but for crying out loud ... do you have to wear your camo hoodie on your way home from your "HUNTING TRIP?" No one on United airlines is going to see your hoodie and ask HOW MANY DITCH PARROTS (that's ditch bank okie for Pheasants or so I'm told ...) you shot ... just funny. It's like a football player wearing his cleats home ... right?

The point of all of this is only to say, when he got home - he suggested dinner OUT (yahooooooo it doesn't take much for him to redeem himself from "the" phone call) - but here is the thing I want to know - does anyone else have a battle with yourself when you take the kids to dinner, after hubby has been GONE for four days, and you've been cooped up with slim to none adult interaction (aside from "parties" and ultrasounds), you're ordering your chips and guacamole, and the time comes for drink requests? This is what I'm sayin' - Sprite for the 3 year old, water for the sippy cup for the baby, and I give the dagger-eyes to Dr. Teats ... and I'm thinking, you had BETTER not order beer after you've just been drinking and shooting (oxymoron) for 4 days and I SO NEED A JACK AND COKE ... and next thing I know he blurts out with a hugeeeee happy grin "I'LL TAKE A BLUE MOON - MAKE IT A LARGE ..."

Drop F bomb in my head, order my damn Pepsi, and I'm driving us all home from Chapalas. Guess it's time to schedule an Arbonne Party during the next Cowboys game ...


Anonymous said...

You are crackin' me up, Mocha Freak.

Monogramchick said...

seriously! i think your hysterical and have added you to my blog roll. can't wait to come back for more. i too, am working Dr. Monogram Chick through his second stint through school--this time a specialty residency! i feel ya.

Teach by the Beach said...

Oh heeeells no! That's when you order a shot! He can drive home on one Blue Moon....which I love by the way and want one now that I'm thinking about it.