Monday, October 13, 2008

Love Sh(n)ack Baby!

Alright, so ...crazy, CRAZY weekend ...(but I won't spare you with those details - YET ...) anyway - I lie down on the couch late after a nutty day... and I get a whiff of myself ... (that in itself is a funny statement but it's not going where you think it's going ...) Sisters, I smell DA-LISH-OUS ... (that's 'delicious' for you teachers I know read this crap...). So, Dr. Teats has been SO freaking into me lately, which, let's be honest he's ALWAYS into me, but EXTRA... to the point where it's a litttttttle fishy ... I mean he's clearly been GONE A LOT LATELY I'm all for it, but I couldn't put a finger on it. For the love - I'm trompin' around in lounge pants, a baggy sweatshirt, hair in a pony with the headband goin' - ain't NOTHIN' sexy about that gettup. Now - back to the whiff - so seriously ... do you know what I smell like? Sit down ... and prepare yourselves for this ... I always thought men liked the something else - wasn't sure what - the chocolately musky smell, or the ocean smell, or the floral smell - or lately it's been the BERRY smell, and well, quite frankly I was GETTING CLOSE with the V.S. Love Spell - but girls SCRAP ALL OF THAT ...I SMELLED LIKE KETTLE CORN ...K-E-T-T-L-E C-O-R-N (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?) why does that figure? HE loves cows ... he deals with cow feed every day ... put a little sugar on a little corn and DAMN SKIPPY OF COURSE HE LOVES IT.

Anyway - it's called Vanille and I got it at Anthropologie because it smelled like VA-NIL-LA, not Kettle Corn ... however, on me, AFTER A LONG SWEATY DAY smells like KETTLE CORN, Dr. Teats clearly loves it ...therefore, it's a keeper.

Who knew making myself smell like a tasty shnack would get Dr. Teats all wound up ...? Whatever works ladies, whatever works ... forget the song Love Shack's Love Shnack in my house.

Until tomorrow, unless my Gall Bladder Ruptures first ...


Anonymous said...

It's the Vanilla Blossom one - pink bottle? Gotta get me some!

Monogramchick said...

spray it on thick baby!