Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Can I just tell you ... I have an annoying neighbor, a hilarious 3 year old, a dog with a smelly booty and a HUGE STOMACH AFTER THE FREAKING AWESOME CHICKEN ENCHILADAS MY GIRLFRIEND DROPPED OFF TODAY? CRAP. (crap is right ...I'm so screwed later, and not screwed in a good way, screwed in a sit on the toilet with a bowl on my lap sort of way I type, a large, red, plastic popcorn bowl sits on the tank of the toilet - JUST IN CASE.) But the good news is girls ... I had a mocha today baby, and I had it in a VERY, very cute preppy travel mug...was I traveling anywhere? Only from the couch, to the kitchen, to the front lawn (you can do the math after reading on ...) to the toity, to the couch again ...and boy I didn't look cute, BUT MY MOCHA DID.

1) Queen of the culdesac (looky-loo-Lucy, Rubber-necky-Becky all have one in your life ...) - made her way over to see why when she rang my door bell at 2:30 in the afternoon one day past said surgery and the dogs started barking wildly (see post about outdoor dogs indoors due to reseeding backyard) and Mochafreaksmomma went BALLISTIC ON HER ABOUT COMING BACK TO BEG FOR JOG-A-THON MONEY NEXT WEEK ..MOCHAFREAK JUST HAD SURGERY AND IS TRYING TO SLEEP AS ARE LIL PISTOLS - it IS 2:30 IN THE AFTERNOON AFTER I explain to QOTCDS - with as little detail as I am able. Her mission is now accomplished ...she's GOT to go ... even has the nerve to apologize for her greasy hair and what she looks like ... haha - I should show you a picture of what I LOOKED like but then you'd be throwing up with me and there is really no need for that tonight. One of us is enough. Who knows you may have had da-lish-ous chicken enchiladas too and what a shame it would be to toss them.

2) Dr. Teats informs me today that the 3 year old barreled into his room last night at midnight (I'm still on the sectional ladies ...propped up and loving it it means Chelsey Lately cackling at 11:30 with NO dirty looks or growls ...) So big daddy has told Pistol #1 that while mommy doesn't feel good - if she has an issue - it's ok to come bug him - in otherwords, march march march (can you picture it?) right past mommy from one side of the house, (pistols bedrooms) to the OTHER side of the house (our bedroom) family room in the middle where mommy has parked her not-as-fat-as-last-wednesday-arse for a few days. So she marched alright RIGHT PAST ME and proceeds to bark at him "DADDY, MOVE OVER." he goes "What do you mean move over, No, what's wrong?" She barks "Daddy - I want to get in bed move over ..." (another little side note - this is VERY out of the ordinary for us - rule in our house - no pistols in daddy's bed - mommy doesn't mind but he just doesn't go for that ... NOT EVEN WHEN BREASTFEEDING - WHICH IS A WHOLE "NOTHER" POST ...which makes this even funnier )... so he says " Why???" (totally annoyed) and she says "DADDYY PUH-LEASE - BECAUSE IT'S ALREADY WARMED UP WHERE YOU ARE!!! MOOOOOVE ALREADY!" Ok it makes me LOL again just typing it ... I LOVE that he moved over to the other side, they both slept like champs, which means MOMMA DID TOO. (RARITY AROUND HERE ...whoo hoo!)

3) I'm totally done with these dogs in the house ...(10 more days Lord help me )... Lola-rotten-crotch sent me over the edge this morning at 4:30am. She is WAY worse than the Dutch-oven... (when Dr. Teats lifts the sheets in the morning and wipes me out ...)

4)Do I even need to address the chicken enchilada casserole ...I think I've said enough. :)

5) My TGEWM tasted EXTRA delicioso (yes we watch Dora) in my new personalized in chocolate and turquoise preppy travel mug designed by the one and only MONOGRAMCHICK it girl ... see her great stuff at She can make a girl feel rockin', even when she's havin' a not-so-rockin'-day. ;)

Time for a Vicodin ...


Anonymous said...

rotten crotch dog ahahahahahhaahaha
poor doggie what do you think about lunch on friday? can you drive straight yet?

Monogramchick said...

great post MF...ok,that is funny too. i often call myself on my blog MC for short so i just did your name and it is MF!

anyway, thanks for the post, I am so glad that you like your mug and that it made you feel better!

hang in there and get well!