Monday, May 11, 2009

One of the blogs I love ...Misadventures of a Newlywed, (check her out - I don't even plug her for a giveaway - she just finished one, matter of is the link to her blog ... recently got the queen ding dong 'LIGHT BULB MOMENT' award in my book ..for suggesting cleaning her kitchen only WHILST drinking a glass of wine. I MEAN, THE THOUGHT OF CLEANING WITH A MOCHA, THAT'S JUST ...'OK'...BUT crunked up cleaning ... this is an EXTRAORDINARY IDEA. (Crunked up on mocha is really only good for one thing and that's to keep me from being mean to any really cute little children while awakened at 5:45am...)

So, part of me is wondering about the friends I have that have these type A, emmaculate houses ... (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...) IS THIS THEIR SECRET? I'm sure it's not but I'll tell myself it is to make myself feel better about the pig sty I call my house. (Don't worry, it's clean in the front - I'm the closet pig house keeper that tosses all of the crap in the walk in closet in the back of the house which happens to be mine ...the kind where you can't even shut the door, let alone open it ...for fear you might be buried.)

So here is my challenge to myself .. LOTS OF CLEANING IN THE NEAR FUTURE. I'm oozing with happiness just thinking about what's going down tonight... after the pistols 'hit the hay'. They might be going to bed early ... VERY early. Is 5pm to early? Anyone?

Cheers to me, and my new found love of cleaning ...(and my budget that is about to go through the roof when Dr. Teats comes home on a regular basis to a spotless house.)

DUI'S ARE FOR LOSERS, BUT CUI ...SERIOUSLY... FREAKIN' GENIUS. Now the trick is the pistols. It's gonna be tempting friends, not to 'CLEAN' ALL DAY LONG.

All smiles,

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