Thursday, April 16, 2009

Out of the mouths of ...'not-so-babes'

Tonight Dr. Teats and I had an interesting little heart to heart post-3-glasses-o-wine ... "So I want to ask you a question...." (in other words he had his 6am bible-study dude meeting this morning) ..."Do you want to know the details of the ins and outs of my day, where I am, who I saw, what went down? Because (insert dude he meets with) says his wife doesn't give a crap about that- doesn't want to hear about it - so they don't talk about it...."

My reply ..."yes, as a matter of fact I do want those details - that interests me, because it's part of you ...which is part of us, and of course, I want to know what's going down..." (why didn't I just stop there....because I couldn't, that's not how I roll, I run my mouth if you hadn't noticed...) "and furthermore...IT WOULD BE FREAKING AWESOME IF YOU'D ASK ME SOMETIME ABOUT THE INS AND OUTS OF MINE...I'M JUST SAYING..."

Damn, when will I learn to hold my tongue. Poor guy was TRYING SO HARD...BLESS.HIS.HEART.

The big mouthed mocha freak...
P.S. leave for San Fran tomorrow - big shopping trip... DON'T WORRY - I PACKED SOME UNDERWEAR.

1 comment:

Say It Out Loud Girl said...

Have an awesome time in San Fran. Can't wait to hear all about your purchases. Save the underwear for an emergency.