Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So today was an interesting day ... the background of my BFF's and I had baby girls 2 weeks apart ... #2 for both of us ... our due date was the same... Sept 16th - we even did our diabetes test in all of it's thick, liquidy nastiness ...sat there for 3 hours and she picked my baby girl's name that day (while looking at magazines of course haha...). For the record - she PASSED I FAILED DAMN IT. Whatever I only gained 9 lbs due to my freaking graham cracker and peanut butter diet. Our baby girls were born close, weaned close, same personalities, grew almost identically - both being off the charts - above 100% in height (another Dutch blooded BIG girl ...) so it had been fun to watch them grow.

We were at a burger joint on a Friday almost 4 weeks ago... laughing at the girls eating fries and ranch dressing ...both 'lil PIGLETS while their older siblings are light eaters ...her daughter, much better behaved and sitting nicely in her high chair while mine was running amok ...

On the next day, Saturday, I got the call that her sweet pea had been at the babysitters and "FELL OFF THE BED" per the babysitter (I'll fill you all in on that later) but anyway - the little darlin' passed away 4 days later - brain dead, horribly bruised up body, fractured skull and three layers of hemorrhaged retinas - they had to make the decision to pull her off of life support. So it's been 4 weeks or so, but today she and her son JJ came up and we went to the local bounce house party place ...Boingos ...just for some fun, relaxation, deep fried disgustingness and a place behind closed doors in another town where everyone wasn't staring at her or asking HOW SHE WAS ...uggg. Anything I asked her - all she could reply was with a deep sigh "I don't care ..." I mean seriously - who could care at this point right? After you have to decide to pull the plug on your baby, decide whether to donate her organs or keep them to have a very CRITICAL autopsy ...what kind of flowers at the memorial service, who shall we have sing "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me, decide what color the 3 foot casket is going to be, and whom of your friends husbands shall carry your 18 month baby girl to her grave... sheesh - does she want pizza, mozzarella sticks or chicken strips - SERIOUSLY ... she didn't care.

The thing of it is's a TRAGIC situation - but we're trying to keep things as normal as possible for the little guy ... (and her) - so of course she showed up and I graced her with an iced grande caramel macchiato one pump vanilla ... we raced off to "Boingos" where I had to run to the bathroom right after I handed over my Visa to pay our way in, and of course I had to blow it out the back ... I came back out looking white as a ghost because a) I barely made it and b) my ass HURT LIKE HELL AND I NEEDED SOME AQUAFOR. My bff says to me "boy, and I thought I had bad diarrhea lately ...." WE BELLY LAUGHED. That was good.

It got better ... I was buying the little guy everything he wanted - DUH OF COURSE I WAS :) ... rubber lizards, and rubber frogs ...a turtle - a bunch of crap. The kids were having a ball and no one was there - just us. We're chillin' out after our greasy lunch - and my little bazooka is M.I.A. ... the two older kids - we had track of - we thought it was safe ...and all of a sudden there she is - in all of her 18 months - not climbing out of a crib this time - but at the TOP, OF THE STEEPEST EFFING SLIDE - 15 STEPS UP (20 ft up?) ... WAY OUT OF HER LEAGUE ... we had pulled away the step so she couldn't even get to the base but she'd drug the step over in a matter of seconds unbeknownst to us ... and there she sat ...shit eatin' grin ...with a flashing pacifier that she'd demanded from the toy bin minutes earlier ... I knew I couldn't get to her ... she was so high up was either about to be sheer bliss or sheer disaster ...

BLISS.IT.WAS. OMG. The thing turned herself onto her tummy as she'd only 'WATCHED' the big kids do ...and slid down like nobody's business giggling all the way down.

Again ...we BELLY LAUGHED (right after I caught my breath and made sure I didn't just spell "h.e.l.p" in my panties or perhaps, a more realistic depiction would be "o.h.m.y.L.O.R.D.NO!" squirting down my legs ... seriously... we know it wouldn't have been a four letter lump of anything today.)

So at this point, Mocha Freak in all of her glory, thought it would be wise follow up after the lil Bazooka - I mean - she did have first timers luck ... but if you knew her you'd know the likelihood of that again was slim to none ... so I follow her up ... (let's not forget - arse still en fuego) ...get to the top ...she about sprints out of my hands to the top and is STANDING ..I manage to get her to sit on her doop ... and get her on my lap ... WE FLY DOWN ...OH SWEET JESUS DID WE FLY ... but when we hit the bottom and came to a SCREECHING HALT ... BABY LAUGHING ...MOMMA NOT SO MUCH ... I HAD 'JEANS ENEMA' ... SICK ...IT HURT...SO FREAKING BAD ... my bff is sitting at the bottom ...watching my face - and knows ED ZACHARY why I'm looking at her cross eyed and holding my breath ... tears...

"NEED SOME AQUAFOR?" she asks? Another Belly Laugh ..I told her I needed the jaws of life to pull my pants out of my ass. It was her turn next ...ain't no way I was going through that agony again. Watching her climb up and fly down with little-orneriness was equally humerous ... I think we both beat the weight limit on that stupid thing but the Boingos hostess with the mostess "turned her eye" ...thank da Lawd. he he.

So, although this isn't ass crass as usual was just a good reminder to me ... that even in the midst of SHIT ...and I do mean the darkest, DEEPEST, NASTIEST SHIT you could imagine in your worst nightmares ...this girl still managed to belly laugh. At my expense of course ... but it was all worth it. :)

We left, bloated, with 25000 rubber lizards, frogs, snakes and some BLINKING pacifier ...with a sore ass crack and sweat beads on my Bff's nose ... she probably hadn't sweat that bad since the funeral 3 weeks ago - GIRL GOT A WORK OUT CHASING THE BAZOOKA. And while I know she'd rather have been taking her own little baby girl down the KILLER slide, or seeing her own little baby girl at the top and losing her breath ...she managed to make my baby girls day better ... on behalf of my BIG.SORE.BUTT. Precious moments, precious belly laughs ...ODD DESCRIPTIVE - but that's what they were...precious belly laughs.

It was a good day. A GOOD DAY IN THE LIFE OF MOCHA FREAK. :)


Hope you had a good one too.

Off to lube up ...


Anonymous said...

I can't express how sorry I am to hear about your bff's loss. I seriously can't even imagine. As a mother of 2 precious daughters I don't understand how one makes it through such tragedy. However, I do understand what a wonderful friend you are. She is very lucky to have you in her life. Keep up the "precious belly laughs"..

Now we know why you were "away" so long.

Thoughts and many prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh can you make me laugh and cry in the same post?!? You and your arse...and you and your bff grieving together. I'll keep praying.

Anonymous said...

Laughing and bawling, laughing and bawling. I'm so sad but so happy to hear about the touch of joy in the midst of sorrow. Good for you for trying to be an instrument to create just such a scenario that was so desperately needed. You are a wonderful and compassionate friend. We are all lucky to have you in our lives. So glad we'll see that baby girl again one day!