Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Ok ... since I will never get the "smile award" due to my sour-casm, foul language and inability to ALWAYS be positive (I'm sorry - I can find the funny 99/100 but there is always that one percent when life just down right sucks arse) - anyway ... I'll give you one little warm and fuzzy and then back to the reality of my life ... so we headed out to ...YUP - YOU GUESSED IT ...STARBUCKS ... and it is really raining good for the first time this fall ... and my baby Pistol who is now 14 months ...gets the silliest smirk on her face, looks out at the rain, then back at me, then back the rain and puckers her lips up and goes "oooooohhhhhhhhh mommmaaa" with the biggest sparkle in her eyes ... it was so awesome. I know, I know you kinda had to be there ...but it just reminded me how precious the little things are RAIN! It was super cute and I just had to share. I love my baby pistol tooo...she makes the best faces and this was a goody today.:)


So I'm not sure about you all, but our family has just been through this little bug that starts with the craziest head ache E-V-E-R (and I'm not a headache kinda girl ... get them very rarely...) ... then it moves to a nasty cough, runny nose and eventually green 'mocos' (that's my childhood girlfriend M's espanol for gross bugars and I love it - think it's a way better descriptive do you ever call your panties ... chonies? Same thing - SPANISH SLANG THAT I LOVE - but you won't hear me talk about chonies very often since I rarely wear them - and of course I'm getting off of the subject at hand now aren't I?) Seriously though this is a nasty bug - Baby Pistol got it,then Dr. Teats ...then the 3 year old pistol ... and now, yours truly. (Thank you Jesus for sparing me my Key West vacation and getting through the Thanksgiving feast at my house last Saturday BEFORE this little sickness...)

So the baby pistol is finally getting over this horrid bug ...yesterday I'm in like day 2 which means I had the throbbing headache, baby was in day 5 which means nasty green mocos, breathing horrible and coughing, older pistol was in day 4 which mean a nagging cough through out the day ... and night ...and Dr. Teats is in day 5 also but he's an adult so he's all good - bit of a cough still but doing fine. Needless to say it's not a super HAPPY house ... so you know the drill ...I'm the 'sahm' that doesn't have to 'go-to-work' so of course I'm up all night with the little ones struggling to sleep (damn the Tylenol company for taking the infant cold off the shelves ...stupid over dosing parents ...IDIOTS ...) So last night - I was DONE ...exhausted, feeling lousy ... and the baby for some reason started throwing up but I think that was unrelated ... but still, I smelled like barf (as opposed to shtank). We are sitting at the 'bar' for dinner and I had just finally sat down with my food and usually there is the notorious prayer but that didn't happen last night so the pistols were eating their food, Dr. Teats was nearly done with his ...and he has now let the kids down and is playing with them and I'm slowly shoveling in dinner ... and it happened ...ugggg...

I get that feeling, that guilty feeling, that I, the SAHM is sitting by myself in peace and quiet eating, while WORKING HIS ARSE OFF DAD IS PLAYING WITH THE KIDDOS, GIVING BATHS, READING BOOKS.... he knows I feel like CAH-RAP he's trying to lift a bit of the burden ... but why WHY WHY LORD WHY DO I HAVE THAT URGE ...THAT BITING URGE TO THANK HIM, TO THROW HIM A BONE ... why is it that when I'm feeling so gross I feel obligated to kiss my husband's ass when he's doing what he should be doing anyhow - a few dishes or hanging with the kids ...I'm literally laughing as I write this ... b/c I'm so LAME ... you totally know what I did next ... I SO DIDN'T RESIST THE URGE ...I called him over the gave him the kiss-the-ass-you're-such-a-great-hubby-what-would-I-do-without-you speech ... I did it ... I kissed his ass ...thanked him, hugged him ...told him I know he's not sensitive by nature but I appreciated his genuine effort ... and then it happened, the uncontrollable, I'm so freaking exhausted TEARS ... and I just sat there and gathered myself as he said in a sweet (so not like him so it was annoying) voice "I'm trying baby - I'm trying - I know how you feel. ..I felt that way a few days ago ..."

Uh...and that's when you go from hanging your head and feeling appreciative even if by guilt - to "WTF DID YOU JUST SAY????" haha. Because you all know as well as I do that bless his heart only 3 days earlier when he "felt like I did" he was in bed, napping, relaxing, as I was keeping the pistols out of his hair... because he just couldn't take it ...

Dr. Teats really is pretty awesome ... however, can you imagine if I didn't get up, get the kids ready, get the older one to school, WITH THE ZIPLOCK BAG OF SQUARE INCH TURKEY SLICES FOR THE PRESCHOOL THANKSGIVING FEAST AND THEN STAY TO HELP, ...come home do more puked on laundry, get on my laptop and organize the spreadsheet with the the church kids program volunteer calendar/schedule that I'm responsible for with 70 volunteers, and have dinner (EVEN IF IT WAS QUESADILLAS) ready to go ... but instead, just SLEPT IT OFF ...

What on earth was I thinking feeling like I needed to THANK HIM? LOL.
I'M * JUST * SAYIN' ....

I feel much better today though and not ONE puke yet from the baby pistol... :)

Damn it all though - THE DAY'S NOT OVER - I still have to go to the store to buy freakin green bean casserole shit...and couldn't find enough C9 CLEAR lights at THE HOME DEPOT to replace the frosted circle bulbs that Dr. Teats so generously purchased last year when sent to the store to buy C9 CLEAR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS FOR THE OUTSIDE OF THE NEW HOUSE...these babies LOOK like the ones that should outline a mirror in a 1980's apartment bathroom vanity ... so SUPER special. Why does Home Depot have 1000 boxes of colored ones, and two boxes of clear ... who does the yearly inventory at these places? Perhpaps y'all still adore the colored lights ... just not my cup of Holiday cheer...

Anyway - I still have a bit of a night ahead of me don't I ...

I'll be waiting for someone to tell me thanks for my inspiring blogs that just make you all cozy and tingly inside and inspire you to be better moms wives and friends....and just better people in general ... haha...

I'm thinking I might be waiting for a cold day in hell ...

I'm still laughing ... even if you think I'm hideous. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

THANK YOU for your inspiring blog my friend. You made me laugh out loud, then laugh some more. You're the best!