Sunday, August 2, 2009

Boobs are shrinking, the muffin, however, is not.

Prayer time with the pistol was SUPER special tonight ... get done praying and I'm lying next to her, and she says "Mom - how big are your boobs?" I say "what?" (as opposed to WTF which is what I was thinking in my head...) She says "Your boobs aren't very big are they mom?" I say "No they are not - but why do you say that - do you know someone who has bigger ones?" She replies "Yah, (insert friends name here.)" She then goes onto say "But mom - your belly is sure big isn't it ..." With two raised eye brows and a smirk.

Damn it. Damn damn damn damn ...

Does that mean the pilates isn't working? Or I just need to cut back on the mochas... wait, don't answer, for I don't want to hear it.

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